Our Mission:
Expedite Research
The Pediatric Proton/Photon Consortium Registry, also known as the PPCR, is a consented registry composed of pediatric patients treated with radiation. The PPCR is aptly suited to work collaboratively with partners to improve cancer care for children requiring radiation.

Our Collaborators:
25 Institutions
The PPCR is a growing consortium of 24 pediatric radiation centers of excellence committed to improving pediatric cancer treatment and health outcomes. With over 4,800 participants enrolled across our sites, the PPCR is the most comprehensive multi-institutional radiation-based pediatric patient registry and is unique in its scope and depth.

Location of PPCR Sites Across the US
Our Results:
Overview and Publications
The PPCR has come far in our research! If you have questions about the PPCR or are interested in our recent work, click on “Learn More”.

Meet Our:
PPCR Teams
The PPCR teams all have the same goal. Through our work, we strive to improve cancer treatments and quality of life in childhood cancer survivors. Come meet some friendly faces.